Remember to Know!

This site I have changed from TP Stories to BLB Wordress,In it I will be posting stories(don’t worry about it!) and many more…So…Have a nice day!

Father And His Sons

Once,A man got very ill,He got to know that soon he will die,on his dead bed,he called 3 of his son, Amer,Hussein and Ali.

He gave a bundle of fat 10 stick’s to his elder son,Amer,He said, “Son,try to break this”,Amer tried and tried but couldn’t break it,then he passed it to Hussein and gave him the same task and so on to Ali,but no one was able to break even one,than he said “Now,hold the stick all 3 of you,and break”, they did as instructed and it was broken easily,then the father said “You see my sons, when you unite you can do anything”

“Unity is the most important thing,brother to brother,friend to friend,family to family and so on…”