How to Live A Beautiful Life?

People often say that  only spirituality and nearing to god can get you s beautiful life,well it might be possible,but!,we should ask our selves,”is this the only way that we can live? For me,I don’t think so that only this is the only way to live god,when a person start’s to see him  in a religious act,for example he start’s to going to the church or mosque,he will become selfish,and only think of his own person,he will think that god is always with him,and not by the non-christian or or kafir (a word used by Muslim’s to describe non-Muslim) I think there is one more way! and that’s the way of justice,the way of peace the way of love,we should change our mistake’s before looking into other’s,we should stand up for peach for love and harmony. Fighting does not bring peace,it bring’s violence.A President of a particular country will sign fight against the other,and they start fighting,but! who will die in that fight?,the president’s hide them selves in their cupboard,but what about the children,the old’s,the woman,where will they go/hide.fight? will that bring peace,is this justice? This is an act of stupidity and a fool tries to fight.Life is so short and beautiful,we just never notice a flower,we notice a bomb explode,we never notice a cry of a child,we notice shouting of soldier’s,what is this? Isn’t this non-justified act toward’s our and other’s? I just want to tell that life is a very beautiful thing,but we’re spoiling it’s beauty with fight,selfishness,greed etc etc etc… Where will we take this selfishness,greed etc? Are we going to take it when we die? Take a look at Hitler,he thought he will live forever,he will rule the world,where is he now? does anyone remember him? does anyone like him? No! no one remember’s a greedy and selfish person,we might not be Hitler in empiricism,but we might be in our selfish in greed and so on…

We sometimes don’t talk our family/friend etc for just anger,will that bring peace? No it will never bring peace,instead it will grow hatred,I just want to say,look at life,how beautufil it is,we are happy that we got one more day to leave,and that cost’s that no one can buy.If we have any mistake from us,admit it,instead of arguing for nothing.

Live…Let Live…Peace


Have a nice,precious, beautiful day