I Wasn’t Raised In A Mansion

Mom…Dad,these word’s were uttered by you,me and so on everyone,when we were born,believe me,they taught us to learn,live,laugh,they are are guardian’s,our leader’s and everything to us,better to say,in Hindu tradition,our first Gods

3 lovely poem’s that I am posting are as follow’s,

I Wasn’t Raised In A Mansion

I wasn’t raised in a mansion
Or fed with a silver spoon
I wasn’t brought up to think money is everything
Because only fools believe that’s true
I wasn’t raised to live out my parents dream
But to proudly dream my own
I wasn’t raised to walk the popular path
But to strongly pave my own
I wasn’t raised with material things
But something great indeed
I was raised with love
And love is all I need

To My Child

Come back into the fold
of my protective wings.
Let not your spirit be restless,
For you are here with me.
I will always be
your one on which to lean,
your rock, your number one fan.
Fear not child
to speak your mind.
Undo the wrongs of the day,
And together we’ll make them right.
Speak of heartaches,
so that they may be subdued.
Share your joys,
so that they may be my joys too.
Always know that I am with you,
For you are my precious gift
from God.
I will always love you,
And keep you safe from life’s hardships.
I will cushion your bumps,
And tend to your scrapes.
I will guide you tenderly;
Your brilliant eyes
will always be my sun;
Share with me your heart,
And I with you.
I love you.

A Parents Heart

When you feel like breaking down or crashing in,
Who do you turn to, to forgive your sin?
When you cried your lonely tears,
Who will be there to fight your fears?
And when it feels like no one would understand,
Who was there to hold your hand?

There are people whom you can’t replace,
They’re the ones who gave you your face.
They’ll love you through thick and thin,
They show you the light from deep within.
And if by chance, you happen to die,
They’ll be the ones who will really cry.

You see, my friend, there’s no one who can love you more,
Then your very own parents, that’s for sure.
Always remember that this is true,
That wherever you go, your parents will be there for you.

We All love our parent’s,Please if so goes to you,share your poem’s and stories or salutatory  to your parent’s through comment.
Have a best day.

Remember to Check!

All the new post’s in my Blog can be found in Story Book,So that’s why I added a link in the home page,to take you to the latest post,and you may also use the calender to see the post according to their corresponding date’s.

My Imaginary Friend Almost Killed Me

Do you know of a child who has an imaginary friend? Perhaps you yourself had an imaginary friend when you were young.

Read this story,to find out more!


When I was around the age of 8, I remember that I used to talk to this little girl. I lived with my grandma and my mom. They just brushed it off as me having an imaginary friend. This little girl had light brown hair that she always wore in pigtails and green eyes. She told me her name was Lucy. She told me that she was eleven years old and that this was her home. (The house was a Victorian-style house, and must have been built in the 1800s or something) I told my mom and my grandma everything Lucy told me. Lucy was possessive. When my mom would call me for dinner or something, she would beg me not to leave. I always told her that I had to go. Later, she’d be pissed at me. She’d throw toys at me, pinch me, and hit me. Once, she even pulled my hair so hard, that she’d pull a fistful of blond hair out. The first time my mom finally became worried, was when she found the bruise Lucy’d given me.

Approaching my ninth birthday, I remember taking a bath. Lucy was mad that day. (I can’t remember what I’d done to make her so angry.) She came in the bathroom, and dunked my head under the water. I couldn’t breathe. (I have asthma) I splashed, and kicked my feet, and eventually, my grandma came in to see what was wrong. She tried to pull me up. Lucy was still pushing me down. My grandma called for my mom, and Lucy’d became so aggravated by then that she let out sort of this horrible screech and cry. She left.  My mother called for an exorcist the next day. I can’t remember much of that day. I sort of erased it from my memory. What I Do remember is that right before the priest was about to wash down the house with holy water, I heard this little giggle in my ear. It was Lucy. She whispered, “Goodbye, Becca. It was really fun playing with you. I’ll miss you.”

When I grew older, my mother gave me a sheet of paper. It had my our old address on it. Under it was: TENANTS-MARY TAYLOR CHRIS, LUCY ASHLEY CHRIS. It had their birthdates under their names. Mary’s birthday was March 12, 1856. Lucy’s was December 1, 1872. She died because she’d become very sick. She’d had a rare heart disease, and it had finally killed her. I forgot what the name of it was. Her mother was so distraught, that she’d killed herself. I’ve always wondered how come Mary didn’t haunt me, too.

A few months later, on Memorial Day, I visited Lucy’s gravesite. Her mother was buried right next to her. I was kind of scared to bend down, and place the white roses on Lucy’s grave. (I guess I was scared that her little hand would pop up, and drag me under) But, I somehow gathered the courage to do it. As I did, I heard a little giggle in my ear. “Thanks.” she said. I turned around and ran.

I Do believe in ghosts. My story may sound like something straight out of a horror movie, but it is true. Believe it or not, it is true. And if you’ve ever had an encounter like mine, you would be a believer, too. I’m going to major in Paranormal Research at Penn State this fall.

By Poe, Copyright 2012 BLBH Blog WordPress

The Man In Black Tries To Get You

This story was sent to me by Vanessa,By respecting the author I do not permit anyone to copy,without authorization,hope you can understand.


I was about 13 when it all happened, it was Friday I don’t necessarily recall the date but it was in the summer. I had invited my cousin on my moms side over, since we were going to my uncles. She was like my sister at the time no one could pull us apart. When we arrived at my uncles, he told my parents and us what rooms we were going to be sleeping in.

My cousin and I usually got the bedroom beside the bathroom but that time my uncle put us in the room beside our normal room. I always dreaded that room and was so happy when we didn’t have to sleep in there, it was a dark color red. I hate red on walls I always have, it makes me feel angry and frustrated, but I sucked it up and went upstairs and put my stuff in the room. It was all crowded with boxes of stuff that my aunt would sell at her craft shows. The worst part was there was a huge mirror in front of where I was going to sleep, I hate mirrors in my room or any room that I sleep in its a phobia for me, I cant even have the bathroom door open when I go to bed or I will not sleep. Then in front of the mirror were those ceramic dolls, I’ve always thought they were pretty but always nice to be kept away and not staring at you when you sleep.

Anyways that night my cousin and I did what we always did before bed and well talked for hours until my cousin fell asleep on me, that was normal for her. I was slowly getting sleepy but having a hard time, because there was so much stuff in there that it would make anyone claustrophobic , and that mirror facing me. Everything was just driving me crazy so I just layed there and stared at the ceiling. Finally I fell asleep.

In my dream I was running not looking back, I was so scared too but I didn’t understand why, so I got the courage to look back. There was this tall old man, he was all dressed in black, with a long black cloak on, and a black hat that looked like a cowboy hat but it was bigger around the sides. He smirked at me, as if he was enjoying me being scared, he was only walking having courage that no matter how fast I ran he would catch up. I kept running and running, until I saw a house with the door open, there was an old lady standing there waving me in. I looked back and that man wasn’t there anymore so I ran inside and the lady shut the door fast, she told me to hide, I needed to hide fast but I told her why, she told me he couldn’t find me. Then she brought me into her room and told me to hide under her bed. All I focused on was getting under the bed, but when I turned my head I saw a huge window with the blinds open, revealing the center of the window. The old lady gasped and I wasn’t sure what was happening until I saw his face in the window, she said its too late he knows where you are.

I woke up and gasped I was so scared I didn’t wanna go back to sleep, but then I saw the closet door open and he was standing there, the room was so small that there was no way I could get out without being beside him, he kept smirking, like telling me he got me, I knew if he was going to come get me, that was going to be the last night of my life, I don’t know why, even to this day but I just knew, but when I turned the light on he was gone.

Sent in by Vanessa, Copyright 2012 BLBH Blog WordPress


Life Is Beautiful,Don’t Worry!

When I was asked to give a write-up, on the topic “Life is Beautiful” I smiled. I believed it was a simple topic with a very simple proposition. With a firm belief in myself, I tried to pen a few words. I found myself helpless as I had fiddled away precious time. Apparently an innocuous proposition made me ponder, which began in a listless way and later took a definite direction.
As my thought process gained some ground, I could not fathom the depth of this topic nor scale the height of it. At one time I thought it could be dealt by filling the write up with anecdotes of my life and thus proving Life is Beautiful. The very next instance made me shudder, as a serious topic should be dealt philosophically. A chain developed with one approach giving way to the other.

“I think, therefore I am” – Life Philosophically

“Congito Ergo Sum” To quote Descartes this phrase translates into ‘I think therefore I am’. Is Life a gift to us by ‘Him’, or a process, which began with a Big Bang, when the entire cosmos emerged out of a super-explosion? Is Life a sheer serendipity? Going back to Descartes, Life is just what one thinks and I think it is beautiful. Evolution of man from an insignificant microorganism to a thinking human being, Life seems to be a fascinating process.
According to Hindu philosophy, Life follows a ‘Karma’ pattern. Every human being gets the life he deserves, proposing an incremental development with good deeds in present life presenting with a better life.
Life is beautiful if we do our best within the boundaries and the destiny takes care of the rest.

“Sweet are the uses of Adversity” – Life Poetically

This approach closely follows the philosophical approach with a beauty of its own. To appreciate the beauty of life one can relish the works of artists and writers of renaissance period. Be it Da Vinci with the ethereal Mona Lisa, Rembrandt or Monet with Water Lillies brought out the essence of life.
One of my favorites William Shakespeare brought out the beauty of life with comedies, and tragedies. One sonnet, which proves Shakespearean essence, is a sonnet from the Play “As You like it”. This sonnet brings out the beauty of life in ugliness, spark in coal, and silver lining around a dark cloud.
It is from Act II Scene I Duke Senior, the banished duke says about Sweet uses of adversity.
To quote a part of it “Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head; And this our life exempt from public haunt Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones and good in every thing.”
A beautiful piece of poetry which, asks us to see good in everything.

Life through a Winner’s Eye

Life stories of some men make one succumb to their ingenuity. Some people have proved and some are proving without a second doubt that they are winners. Anybody, who has read “A Beautiful Mind” or has watched a movie by the same name, can never remain untouched by the courage of a schizophrenic Prof. Nash who overcame the disease by merely accepting the haunting illusions and getting the coveted Noble prize for game theory.
Political leaders, Writers, Economist, Musicians and Sportsmen have been a beacon to their fellowmen.

Life is Beautiful
“Laugh and be merry better the world with a song, better the world with a blow in the teeth of a wrong….” So goes a poem.
Life is as one experiences it. One has to drink deep of every moment. For the present moment is a past moment in the future.
After a serious contemplation if one can live a carefree life like Calvin and Hobbes and enrich it every moment then,
Life is fascinating, wonderful and Very Very Beautiful