Remember to Check!

All the new post’s in my Blog can be found in Story Book,So that’s why I added a link in the home page,to take you to the latest post,and you may also use the calender to see the post according to their corresponding date’s.

Better to Choose than to find…


When you come to my blog,you enter a world filled with stories of morality,scare etc. Lost,aren’t you? But if you look on the right side of the screen what do you see is something written,Category,There you are! Now click the kind of story you would like t o read,yup! that’s right,and now you will get complete story of your choice,no need to go down..down…and down!

Lost to Find…

I was lost for some time searching for meaning of LIFE,guess what? IFOUND IT!

yup you must be thinking it must be something big,huge???

Lol not at all,it’s LAUGHTER,the medicine to all medicinal


Laughter is the Best Medicine



Humor & Laughter: Health Benefits & Online Sources

Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use

Laughter is strong medicine for mind and body

“Your sense of humor is one of the most powerful tools you have to make certain that your daily mood and emotional state support good health.”

~ Paul E. McGhee, Ph.D.

Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert.

With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health.

Laughter is good for your health

  • Laughter relaxes the whole body. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
  • Laughter boosts the immune system. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies, thus improving your resistance to disease.
  • Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
  • Laughter protects the heart. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems.


The Scariest Story Ever

One day a boy named Charlie Wackaweed, was making a wish on a star. He did not know that the wish he would be making would change his life forever.

It was late one night, when Charlie was looking at the stars. He had heard that if you wish on the first star you see, your wish will become true. So he spotted the first star that he saw, and he made a wish on it. His wish was that whatever he said or did, for it to come true. So for instance if he would say “Let it snow” it would snow.

Just a few days later, he was sitting in Geometry class wondering about the test they would have in about 5 minutes. When he got the test, he sat there wishing that he would ace the test. He took the test that was supposed to be very hard and he thought that it was easy. He got it back and it was an A+. he was amazed because he had never had a test and aced it before, and this test was probably the hardest one that he had ever taken. He asked all his classmates what they had gotten on the test and they all replied ” A C+ or lower. Charlie was very excited that he had gotten a better grade than Chris, who was an A+ student ,and Chris had made a C-.

There was this one kid that Charlie did not like. He wished that something bad would happen to him. The very next day he was out of school. Charlie asked his teacher where he was he said ” He is in the hospital with a very deadly disease. It came on him so fast, and none of the doctors have a cure. It is really weird. I have never seen anything like it.”

The very next day, Charlie heard that the kid with the deadly disease had died. Charlie was upset about the whole situation. He knew that it was his fault that he had died . So he went to his funeral with sorrow and regret.

He was at home, alone, late one night. All of a sudden the phone rang. He ran down the steps to answer it thinking that it might be his parents. He picked up the phone and he heard the dial tone. He thought to himself “That’s weird” and then he went back up to his room thinking no more about it. This happened several more times and he still ignored it. Then all of a sudden the door bell rang. He went down to answer it again thinking that it might be his best friend Jarred. He opened the door and said “Hey Jarred……what’s…..” but then he noticed that no one was there. He thought to himself “It must be those little kids that live down the street prank calling and ringing the doorbell and running.” So he then went back up the stairs to his room, thinking no more of it. Then there was a peck on the window. He was really starting to get kind of scared and curious. He went to the window, opened it and yelled “Get out of here you little kids!!” But still he saw no one. Since it was starting to get really freaky, he decided to go and watch some T.V. He flipped on the T.V. and right then the power went out. He knew that the kids couldn’t have done something like that because he didn’t have a fuse box. He now realized that the kids couldn’t have done any of the other things now, and he was starting to get really scared. He went and got a flash light and he saw red eyes across the room and was coming very fast towards him. He all of a sudden heard a low, creepy, but familiar voice calling ” Charlie……….Charlie………..Charlie… could you do something like this to me?” Charlie replied “Who are you? What do you want from me? I have no clue what you’re talking about.” The voice replied “You do know what I’m talking about Charlie Wackaweed.”All of a sudden, it jumped out behind the shadows and Charlie saw a beaten, flesh removed, kid that Charlie recognized as the kid that he had wished that something bad would happen to. His eyes were blood red, and the flesh that he had left was purple and blue. Charlie was scared to death. He told the kid that he had never meant for him to be killed or even hurt, but he didn’t believe him. The kid replied “Now it is your turn to follow the pain and death that I had suffered through.” Then the kid took Charlie out of the house, and tied him up to a tree. The kid then dug a huge hole and then untied Charlie. The ghost said to him,” I’m sorry that it has to end this way Charlie, but this is what you have to repay me by doing. Good-Bye Charlie!” Then the kid threw Charlie in the hole and buried him alive.

No one really knew what had happened to Charlie Wackaweed. Until one day a clipping all of a sudden appeared in the newspaper telling what had happened and who had actually killed the kid that Charlie didn’t like. I am telling you now, be careful what you wish for because it just might come true.

*****This is not a true story,or maybe it is?*****

Soul Searching

Soul Searching

Through the depths

Look inside your soul
For that last bit of sanity
You can be sure that it won’t cause a calamity
If things were to arise
That would bring shock to your eyes
Would it make you cry?
Or would it just make you wonder
Why you don’t understand
The rules of the land
To play in this band
No matter
What is, is
That is the jist of this biz
So, what I say to thee is this
Learn and grow as much as you can
Stand with the band and do what you can
While in this land
Then, you shall progress
On to bigger and bigger success.

 If you’re searching for your soul…
Then you’re in the right place
Current blog avatar  © BLBH Blog, WordPress. All Rights Reserved

What To Do In Hard Time?

If you are in touch with the media, as most of us are most of the time, you are aware of the severe economic times we are in. The entire world is being affected by economic crisis. Many countries have experienced this and worse many times over. In a recent survey it was reported that 89% of Americans are having some trouble with insomnia due to anxiety over the state of the economy. All the media reports are designed to instill fear in us and when we feel fear we look for ways to escape or to protect ourselves. This is called “fight or flight.” We have adrenaline pumping in our bodies, causing increased heart and breathing rates, even sweating and trembling. This can be continuing on an unconscious level so that we don’t even know how badly it is affecting us. We are not designed to live like this for any length of time. Fear is not good for us. Worry for the future shuts us down in the present, which is where we need to be living.

Outbreaks of depression immobilize our bodies, making them feel heavy and weighed down.  Our minds become fogged and closed, as if shutting down. For security we often want to hide underneath the covers or escape into addictions.

The most dangerous state is denial: when we refuse to look at our reality and pretend that everything is just fine.
Tremendous anger turns into rage and resentment, which is harmful to the body and spirit.  We don’t even know for sure with whom we are so deeply angry. It’s often turned in on ourselves, and we blame ourselves, even though we don’t know for what.

What can we do when faced with these overwhelming feelings and thoughts?

1.    Realize we are not alone.  This world-wide problem is not of our making.  Pick up the phone and talk to friends and family and share honestly what is going on.  Listen sincerely to their plights and offer them support and comfort.
2.    Take care of yourself.  Guard against letting yourself go when under undo stress.  Stay well groomed, clean, eat regularly and in a healthy way, and also brush and floss your teeth. Keep a home and office environment as organized as possible.
3.    Take personal inventory. What thoughts or events prompted your anxiety? What are you afraid will happen? What aspect of yourself is threatened: pride, security, physical safety, relationships?  What needs to be dealt with and can be changed, and what is out of your control?  Be realistic and honest with yourself.
4.    Turn to a higher power. This may be a universal source, or whatever is greater than you are, to clear your thinking, to give you solace, a power to overcome the debilitating effect of negative thoughts.
5.    Seek help from a professional or mentor. So you can make clear decisions that our truly in your best interest, this should be someone who you believe will be honest, nonjudgmental and who can help clear out all the destructive emotional debris from the past as well as the present. This should be someone who will call you on your impulsiveness, fears, and discouragement, which help you keep from making fight or flight choices that could prove harmful to you in the long run. Finally, this should be someone who helps you keep faith in yourself and reminds you to stay positive.

We need to change our minds and get into our hearts. We need to make a personal choice: to stop struggling and to accept the situation we are individually in. We need to choose not to be a victim, regardless of our circumstances. We need to turn off all the negative messages bombarding us and turn on faith in ourselves, in those we believe in and trust, and in a higher power. We need to face the fear and do all that is positive for our life. Only then do we have a chance to really come out of this in a better place as whole, having grown, human beings.

Is Facebook good?

“What is so bad about Facebook?” Whenever I hear this question, I usually start a – seemingly – never-ending, heated discussion about why Facebook is bad and how stupid it is to use Facebook.

The more you know about the hidden costs (e.g. giving up privacy and private conversation) of the so called “free” social network, the more the cost-benefit function gets out of proportion.

From my point of view there are millions of very good reasons to stop using Facebook immediately. However many of the reasons stated below are not only valid for Facebook, but for other closed and centralized social networks as well, espcially Twitter.

Political Reasons to quit Facebook

  • Facebook is based, registered and run in the United States of America.
    This is bad because of the “Patriot Act”. Even if Facebook starts respecting your privacy, your data is still easily available to every governmental institution in the Country through open backdoors or requests, as this Facebook.pdf-file documents. Think about what this means to your freedom.
  • Facebook is a deliberate experiment in global manipulation.
    Facebook and Government institutions have a history. Since the article was released in 2008 it got a lot worse. In 2010 the U.S. Government started developing and using a software which creates fake profiles on social networks to spread messages and to spy on people.
  • Facebook wants to go public.
    When the time comes, everything that counts is money. They will try everything to make money out of Facebook, thus you, your friends, your communication, everything. At least, I bet on it.

Technical Reasons & Internet Politics

  • Facebook is a centralized social network. It is run by Facebook alone.
    Not only does this contradict reality (you do not meet all your real-life friends only (!) in the same, single real-life place) it also makes the whole network prone to attacks and breakdowns. Think hacking attacks or software failures. The real-life complement would be destroying the one, single place where you meet all your friends making impossible to contact them anymore.
  • Facebook adds an unnecessary layer to the Internet.
    Facebook hasn’t introduced anything new, apart from being able to “like” something. Facebook Mail resembles Email, Facebook Chat resembles chat software, Facebook Threads resemble forums, Facebook Pages resemble normal web sites, galleries, videos, links…they all have an equivalent in the regular Internet world. Why put all of this in the hands of a privately owned company like Facebook?
  • Facebook and the Open Social Web.
    There are plenty of people working on the idea of an open social network, which would work decentralized, with whichever social network you prefer. For example Open Social. Instead of joing these people, like, MySpace, orkut, Netlog,, Friendster, Ning, and Yahoo!, Facebook decided to present something stupid, called “the Open Graph API”. Facebooks idea with this is to use it’s market power to install a Facebook-owned pseudo web standard. The name just disguises its fundamentally closed nature.
  • Facebook Like-Buttons on External Web Sites – I can only warn you about the everywhere emerging Facebook Like-buttons on external (non-Facebook) web sites. When you are logged in to Facebook while browing the Internet. Due to the fact that the buttons are loaded through an embedded iframe (the non-Facebook web site embeds a Facebook web site), these buttons provide your personal browing habits to Facebook, even without you clicking on them.
  • Mark Zuckerberg is an evil hacker.
    When Mark Suckerberg started Facebook he scraped student’s profiles (names, images and other personal information) from several University websites to get his network – The Facebook – started. That is only one aspect of unethical behavior in his “sketchy” past. The question you have to ask yourself is: “Do I want to entrust a hacker like Mark Zuckerberg with personal information of myself and my friends and our communication?” Let me help you out: No!
  • Even if you want, you cannot protect your privacy.
    You automatically entrust all your Facebook friends with your personal information, even against third-parties (like web applications (web apps) and data-sharing partners of Facebook). You would never do this in real life, maybe not even with your closest friends. On Facebook you even let the least tech-savvy person you know (or maybe do not even know) manage your online privacy issues. How sick is that?
  • Data-sharing deals.
    Anyone who connects the American Amazon web site with his or her Facebook account, gives Amazon not only his own personal data but also the data of all his / her Facebook friends. There are other, similar data-sharing deals.
  • Datasharing for personal purposes.
    I do not understand why Facebook allows everyone to access and import my personal data, contacts, chats, etc. but me. Why can’t I export my Facebook address book but only parts of it? I do not like that kind of “nannyism”, at least, I do not need it. Do you?
  • Constantly changing privacy and account settings are annoying.
    The Electronic Fountier Foundation has a nice chart, you might be interested in. Time tells: What’s private now, will be open in the future. You have to constantly re-read the changes Facebooks settings. Those changes used to be communicated to every memeber up until 2010 (I believe). This is when Facebook started to have you join the Facebook Fan-Page to be informed about TOC changes. Fail.
  • “The default is now social…”
    Mark Zuckerberg says. Meaning, we will share all your information, there is no more private, learn to live with it. “People have really gotten comfortable not only sharing more information and different kinds, but more openly and with more people. That social norm is just something that has evolved over time.” No, it just made your business model work.

Personal & Social Reasons to quit Facebook

  • Facebook doesn’t let you delete all your data.
    When I tried to edit or delete my checkins to the newly introduced Facebook Places in Q1 2011, I realized, there is no way functionality for this. The Facebook Statement of Rights and Responsibilities reads: For content that is covered by intellectual property rights, like photos and videos (“IP content”), you specifically give us the following permission, subject to your privacy and application settings: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook (“IP License”). This IP License ends when you delete your IP content or your account unless your content has been shared with others, and they have not deleted it. As sharing data you and your friends upload to Facebook is what all the fun is about, this actually translates into “We will never delete anything”. Think about this.
  • Facial Recognition
    Facebook’s facial-recognition feature – or “tag suggestions” – which allow users to identify people across multiple photos at once using facial-recognition software invades my privacy. The more photos of me are tagged with my name, the better the software works, the lesser privacy I get.
  • Facebook takes too much of my time.
    I have better things to do than wasting my time on Facebook.
  • Broken Social Circle.
    I have a huge friend list full of people who are not actual friends. I don’t know how that happened but my real-life social circle looks kind of different.
  • Friend or Foe?
    People whom you would rather not like to be connected with, find and contact you. It is hard not to accept friendship requests.
  • You are being stalked.
    Generally speaking, Facebook is not really helpful when it comes to relationships. It usually just causes ridiculous jealousy.
  • It just feels bad.
    I live my life in a free world with plenty of freedoms. They range from free thinking, free software, freedom of speech, …simply freedom in all my decisions. Why would I want to be stuck in a walled garden like Facebook?
  • Facebook makes it incredibly difficult to really delete an account.
    It is easy to find the “deactivate” option, but deactivation is not the same as deletion.

Personally,I don’t Use Facebook.

Never Be Harsh Or Rude

In life,we live so less,that we do not remember even if we hurt someone’s heart,emotion’s,feeling’s,we should care for minute,minute,who know’s what we may say that will be rude to some one,but sometime’s its not us? its other’s that are being rude.

When someone is rude to you,don’t get rude.

  1. Remain polite. No matter how difficult or nasty the rude person is, respond politely and maintain your dignity.
  2. Use manners to overwhelm their rudeness. Ask them this simple question: “Am I offending you somehow? If so, I am really sorry, no offense meant.” Most people will be taken aback by this approach and will quickly backtrack to reassure you that you have not offended them.

  3. Avoid responding at all. This way you remove the spark that fuels their fire. Just nod and walk off normally. Don’t sneer, don’t roll your eyes, just be pleasant in your demeanor as your saunter away from them.

  4. Understand where they are coming from. Much rudeness is a sign of insecurity, anger. Accept that these rude people have more than average doses of these issues and are trying to take it out on you. It is not smart, nor is it witty; it is rudeness and a guise for not being able to be polite to people.

“Treat other’s,as  you treat yourself”

The Beauty Of Sharing

“Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened.”

Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.


Sharing is an integral part of any society. It connects cultures, communities, families, colleagues and even strangers. The virtue of sharing is one of the first interpersonal skills we teach toddlers and is a skill we continue to develop in our youth through adulthood.

When the internet became a mainstream communication tool in the 1990s, the concept of sharing grew exponentially. “As of 2009, a quarter of Earth’s population uses the services of the Internet.” (, Aug. 2009)

The Internet is being used as the ultimate sharing resource.

  • We share OPINIONS through blogging.
  • We share OURSELVES using videocalls, social networking systems and picture share sites.
  • We share INFORMATION through Wikis, online news sources, and file sharing.
  • We share HISTORY with software that helps locate old associates.
  • We share MEDIA with music and video sharing banks.
  • We share our STUFF by posting it on the web to buy, sell or trade our belongings.

The Internet allows us to share every aspect of our lives in order to make connections and stay connected.

This webpage is my effort to share with you the beauty in the modern concept of sharing. My only request is that you pass it along in an effort to continue the sharing!

Happiness,The Gift That You Give to Others

Life,it is a really beautiful gift,When you see someone die,and you see his/her body,think,that this body is your’s,and than,see your self in a mirror,than thank life for supporting you,but life is a food,it will stay hot for sometime,than it cool’s down,and than it’s gone bad,but before this life goes away,let’s hold our hand’s and give a gift to each other,that gift is happiness,but how to do it? how to make happiness,it might sound hard,but it is easy than even making a tea!

  1. Smile at them. Learn how to have a real smile, and care about people. Learn how to feel compassion when regarding someone.
  2. Tell them a funny joke. Inside jokes work really well, especially if it is something only between the two of you. Learn how to make them laugh.

  3. Find something funny online that you absolutely know they’ll like and send it to them in an email.

  4. Compliment them sincerely. Tell them something you love about them.

  5. Invite them to do something fun with you. Go bowling, swimming, or something else fun and active.

  6. Pick a dandelion or blade of grass and give it to them. Say things such as, “I got this especially for you!” or “I picked this weed just for you!” It is different and might make themlaugh at your silliness, make them smile at your sweet nature.

  7. Listen to them. Try to understand their thoughts and be in their shoes. This shows you care and love them, whether they may appreciate it or not. Be there. They will come to realize what a friend you’ve been.

  8. Hug the person. If you have an open relationship with someone, a warm and affectionate hug can lift the spirits and bring a sense of joy and community.

  9. Give a gift. Take the time out to pick out a special gift that is suitable for the person. The more thought you put into the gift, the better it is from the point of being an expression of positive energy. Be sure to include an inscription in the gift wherever possible, and make the message one that is uplifting and spiritual.

  10. Spend quality time with the person. Plan for an event or simply time together in which you share precious moments on this world in each other’s company.

  11. Constantly remind the person how much you value them, but don’t go too overboard. Positive affirmations to others can help build the bridge of friendship and trust. Never use sarcasm though, as sarcasm is the biggest turn-off when it comes to building strong bonds with people.

  12. If you want to get creative with some of your compliments or “I love yous” depending on your relationship, you can always hide a little note saying any of these things and have a little fun with it. This can make him/her feel like you’re really going the extra mile and that they mean something to you.

If one person change’s the whole humanity will change,and if one person misleads the who of humanity is misleaded 

Tip’s For Writing An Article Unto Your Blog

Sometime’s,when you sit in-front of your PC screen,your hand’s barely touching the keyboard,thinking about,”What…What..Should I write today?” Unless you have a clear thought of what to write,but you always can’t say what to write,let’s say you want to write about Life,How would you start? Starting with emotion’s can be a good idea! Or Perhaps write about your own life,in which state you are,how are your emotion’s now etc etc etc…May you might want to give advice’s,but what kind of advice,make it clear.Is it Peace? Love? Or Is it Personal Experience? When you sit in-front  of your  screen,think about-

  • What to write? i.e Your topic
  • How (By how it doesn’t mean learn to type,but how to insert picture that can be attracting)
  • Write with respect to elder’s,young one’s,religion etc..

There are many thing’s,that you must also know,eg. Nudity,or even such thing’s can be danger for your blog stat’s.

You don’t need thousand tips to write a blog,these 3 are quite good tip’s,write in such a good and advising way that people get attracted.

Your comments are welcome.

Live in such a way,that when when you are alive people run behind your company,and when you die,they weep for you”

Why To Recycle?

Recycling is good for our community and economy. It reduces pollution and unnecessary accumulation of waste.  Any environmentalist will agree that recycling conserves our natural resources.

No doubt, numerous recycling lists to “live by” have been written and put forward by concerned citizens and non-profit organisations.  Why indeed recycle? Here are carefully chosen reasons – simply three –  why everyone, from the concerned individual to the local community councils and enterprising business companies have prevailed in the recycling activity.

1. Recycling Saves Energy and Resources

Each time energy is used up, so are essential, non-renewable resources. The energy used to produce the metal for one aluminium can is perhaps the same as that needed to recycle around two dozen. The energy required to make two hundred aluminium cans is equivalent to two weeks petrol for an average motorist, thereabout.

Natural resources will last longer if we recycle instead of using raw materials – each tonne of recycled paper saving half a hectare of trees. No wonder, many publishing houses have been smart to recycle their daily printed publications.  This is certainly good news for advocates of tree conservation.

2. Recycling Creates Job Opportunities

Nowadays, companies have become involved in recycling, from paper to computer recycling. Recycling has become a modern growth industry. Computer-related recycling includes recycling of computers, monitors, equipments and other hardware accessories. With overflow of paper and other recyclable materials in office recycling bins, companies need more and more people to collect and sort goods. So do local community councils as outdoor recycling bins become a part of an ideal solution designed to support waste program.

3. Recycling Earns Cash

Ever heard of “trash is cash”?  With the advent of Apple’s iPods and iPhones, old mobile phones recycling has been traded for cash. Also, the sale of recyclable materials can earn money for schools, clubs and charities.

How about garage or car boot sales?  Since the original form of the items is often preserved, this is considered a best kind of recycling. What’s junk to one person is a treasure to another.

Scrap metals and aluminium cans are also worth considering. Aluminium companies buy aluminium cans. It’s a way to earn extra pocket money for the kids. Some people collect them in public places including beaches and parks.  Look around your home for possible trash for cash.

Certainly, recycling is a major step towards a sustainable future but needs participation of everyone to make it workable.