Happiness,The Gift That You Give to Others

Life,it is a really beautiful gift,When you see someone die,and you see his/her body,think,that this body is your’s,and than,see your self in a mirror,than thank life for supporting you,but life is a food,it will stay hot for sometime,than it cool’s down,and than it’s gone bad,but before this life goes away,let’s hold our hand’s and give a gift to each other,that gift is happiness,but how to do it? how to make happiness,it might sound hard,but it is easy than even making a tea!

  1. Smile at them. Learn how to have a real smile, and care about people. Learn how to feel compassion when regarding someone.
  2. Tell them a funny joke. Inside jokes work really well, especially if it is something only between the two of you. Learn how to make them laugh.

  3. Find something funny online that you absolutely know they’ll like and send it to them in an email.

  4. Compliment them sincerely. Tell them something you love about them.

  5. Invite them to do something fun with you. Go bowling, swimming, or something else fun and active.

  6. Pick a dandelion or blade of grass and give it to them. Say things such as, “I got this especially for you!” or “I picked this weed just for you!” It is different and might make themlaugh at your silliness, make them smile at your sweet nature.

  7. Listen to them. Try to understand their thoughts and be in their shoes. This shows you care and love them, whether they may appreciate it or not. Be there. They will come to realize what a friend you’ve been.

  8. Hug the person. If you have an open relationship with someone, a warm and affectionate hug can lift the spirits and bring a sense of joy and community.

  9. Give a gift. Take the time out to pick out a special gift that is suitable for the person. The more thought you put into the gift, the better it is from the point of being an expression of positive energy. Be sure to include an inscription in the gift wherever possible, and make the message one that is uplifting and spiritual.

  10. Spend quality time with the person. Plan for an event or simply time together in which you share precious moments on this world in each other’s company.

  11. Constantly remind the person how much you value them, but don’t go too overboard. Positive affirmations to others can help build the bridge of friendship and trust. Never use sarcasm though, as sarcasm is the biggest turn-off when it comes to building strong bonds with people.

  12. If you want to get creative with some of your compliments or “I love yous” depending on your relationship, you can always hide a little note saying any of these things and have a little fun with it. This can make him/her feel like you’re really going the extra mile and that they mean something to you.

If one person change’s the whole humanity will change,and if one person misleads the who of humanity is misleaded 

A Moment With Og Mandino.

“Live this day as if it will be the last.

Remember that you will only find tomorrow on the calenders of fools.

Forget yesterday’s defeats and ignore the problems of tomorrow. This is it. Doomsday.

All you have. Make it the best day of your year. The saddest words you can ever utter are, If I have my life to live once again.

Take the baton, now. Run with it! This is your day!

Beginning today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they were going dead at midnight. Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward.

Your life will never be the same again.”

~ Og Mandino.