The Scariest Story Ever

One day a boy named Charlie Wackaweed, was making a wish on a star. He did not know that the wish he would be making would change his life forever.

It was late one night, when Charlie was looking at the stars. He had heard that if you wish on the first star you see, your wish will become true. So he spotted the first star that he saw, and he made a wish on it. His wish was that whatever he said or did, for it to come true. So for instance if he would say “Let it snow” it would snow.

Just a few days later, he was sitting in Geometry class wondering about the test they would have in about 5 minutes. When he got the test, he sat there wishing that he would ace the test. He took the test that was supposed to be very hard and he thought that it was easy. He got it back and it was an A+. he was amazed because he had never had a test and aced it before, and this test was probably the hardest one that he had ever taken. He asked all his classmates what they had gotten on the test and they all replied ” A C+ or lower. Charlie was very excited that he had gotten a better grade than Chris, who was an A+ student ,and Chris had made a C-.

There was this one kid that Charlie did not like. He wished that something bad would happen to him. The very next day he was out of school. Charlie asked his teacher where he was he said ” He is in the hospital with a very deadly disease. It came on him so fast, and none of the doctors have a cure. It is really weird. I have never seen anything like it.”

The very next day, Charlie heard that the kid with the deadly disease had died. Charlie was upset about the whole situation. He knew that it was his fault that he had died . So he went to his funeral with sorrow and regret.

He was at home, alone, late one night. All of a sudden the phone rang. He ran down the steps to answer it thinking that it might be his parents. He picked up the phone and he heard the dial tone. He thought to himself “That’s weird” and then he went back up to his room thinking no more about it. This happened several more times and he still ignored it. Then all of a sudden the door bell rang. He went down to answer it again thinking that it might be his best friend Jarred. He opened the door and said “Hey Jarred……what’s…..” but then he noticed that no one was there. He thought to himself “It must be those little kids that live down the street prank calling and ringing the doorbell and running.” So he then went back up the stairs to his room, thinking no more of it. Then there was a peck on the window. He was really starting to get kind of scared and curious. He went to the window, opened it and yelled “Get out of here you little kids!!” But still he saw no one. Since it was starting to get really freaky, he decided to go and watch some T.V. He flipped on the T.V. and right then the power went out. He knew that the kids couldn’t have done something like that because he didn’t have a fuse box. He now realized that the kids couldn’t have done any of the other things now, and he was starting to get really scared. He went and got a flash light and he saw red eyes across the room and was coming very fast towards him. He all of a sudden heard a low, creepy, but familiar voice calling ” Charlie……….Charlie………..Charlie… could you do something like this to me?” Charlie replied “Who are you? What do you want from me? I have no clue what you’re talking about.” The voice replied “You do know what I’m talking about Charlie Wackaweed.”All of a sudden, it jumped out behind the shadows and Charlie saw a beaten, flesh removed, kid that Charlie recognized as the kid that he had wished that something bad would happen to. His eyes were blood red, and the flesh that he had left was purple and blue. Charlie was scared to death. He told the kid that he had never meant for him to be killed or even hurt, but he didn’t believe him. The kid replied “Now it is your turn to follow the pain and death that I had suffered through.” Then the kid took Charlie out of the house, and tied him up to a tree. The kid then dug a huge hole and then untied Charlie. The ghost said to him,” I’m sorry that it has to end this way Charlie, but this is what you have to repay me by doing. Good-Bye Charlie!” Then the kid threw Charlie in the hole and buried him alive.

No one really knew what had happened to Charlie Wackaweed. Until one day a clipping all of a sudden appeared in the newspaper telling what had happened and who had actually killed the kid that Charlie didn’t like. I am telling you now, be careful what you wish for because it just might come true.

*****This is not a true story,or maybe it is?*****

Franklin Castle-A Castle of Scare

While Franklin Castle in Ohio is a large and beautifully constructed building, it is far from a fairytale mansion. Countless deaths and cruel murders have taken place within its walls, leading Franklin Castle to be considered Ohio’s most haunted places.

Built by German immigrant Hannes Tiedemann in 1865, the castle features at least twenty-one rooms, a ballroom, wine cellars, and numerous secret passageways. Over the years, it has served as everything from a German Socialist headquarters to a doctor’s office. It’s also home to plenty of ghosts, many of whom were viciously murdered or destroyed by disease as humans…

One of the most popular stories is that of a young girl hanged in one of the hidden corridors. Of course, there are many rumors surrounding her murder. Some say she was Tiedemann’s illegitimate daughter, and was killed solely for that. Others claim she had gone insane, and was hanged by her uncle who had been trying to end her misery. Still others have named the girl Karen, and say she was killed in a fight between her father and boyfriend. No matter what happened, her ghost is the one most commonly sighted in Franklin castle. She is described as tall, thin, and dressed entirely in black.

Unfortunately, soon after Hannes Tiedemann’s family had moved into Franklin Castle, tragedy struck. His teenage daughter Emma died from diabetes, which, back then, meant a long and painful death. His wife lost her life soon after to liver troubles, and three of his smallest children also suffered mysterious deaths.  However, Tiedemann wasn’t exactly the world’s most faithful husband. He allegedly shot his young mistress for wanting to marry someone else, and her choking sounds can still be heard in a certain room.

Franklin Castle was also the setting for a Nazi mass murder, a bloody axe homicide, and probably more. The political discussions of the Nazis can still be heard throughout the halls, and the axe-murder victim is occasionally seen in the front tower window. But perhaps the most eerie discovery was found in the 1970’s…a room filled entirely with bones. Human baby skeletons, to be exact. After being examined by medical specialists as well as the castle’s occupants, the accepted theory is that the children were victims of an insane scientist and his botched medical experiments.

While the home is usually not a tourist attraction, many visitors have still experienced the haunts Franklin Castle has to offer. On the very afternoon the Romano family moved in, the six children went upstairs to play. They rushed down a few minutes later, asking their mother if they could give a cookie to their “new friend”. The children claimed many times that they had seen a little girl crying, but neither parent could ever find anyone. However, Mrs. Romano often heard eerie organ music, as well as voices and the clinking of glass. She finally asked a priest to perform an exorcism on the house, and afterwards, he demanded that they leave immediately.

Not shockingly, the supposedly cursed mansion has many more surprises in store. A full skeleton was found in one of the secret panels, but it may have just been a publicity stunt. A large bloodstain can be seen on the marble floor of the ballroom, and many visitors have reported noticing “cold spots” throughout the house. However, seeing as Franklin castle is a historical landmark, people have been trying to renovate it for years. But I doubt its original visitors are ever going to leave…

Um-Duwais: The Myth of deadly temptation

Scenes from Um Duwais TV FilmThe popular folklore in the United Arab Emirates and other parts of the Arabian/Persian Gulf region tells a myth about a female of jinn who called “Um-Duwais”, she is described as most beautiful women that can be experienced by a man because she own all signs of beauty and tenderness and sexy talking, her fragrance aromas emits from her tide movements with slowness and serenity.

The origins of the name Um-Duwais is related to a killing tool she uses and it is similar to the sickle that is called “Das” in the local dialect of UAE, and Um-Duwais means woman of sickle.

Her descriptions
Um-Duwais is embodied in a figure of a very beautiful girl, elegant, graceful, smells of various types of beautiful perfumes and incense, one of her legs is a donkey leg, and the other is “Das”, and there are those who say that both of her feet are donkey legs and her hands are in the shape of (Desan) which means two sickles . In spite of her breathtaking beauty and magnificence of her features she has the eyes of a cat.

Places of her appearance
Um-Duwais appears in residential populated neighborhoods and in the large cities, small towns , small villages, and she may appear in deserts , prairies , orchards and in gardens, which means that she appears almost in all places which are inhabited with human beings whom can be seduced and killed by her.

Her stories
Popular literature of UAE is full of hundreds anecdotes about Um-Duwais

– Tale no.1
A lady says that she has a unique story with Um-Duwais, As she says: “We used to go out every morning to fetch water from wells which are near the old city, and we have been saying “walk tell” and each group of girls meet each other in one of our houses and we go together to the needed well which called “Altawa”, in one night I heard a knock on our door and I got up to the sound of the knocking and when I went out I found a strange girl on the door then I asked about her need, she said that my colleagues have sent her to hasten for going to the usual place! , and I believed her because I was still under the influence of sleep, I pardoned her to bring my water skin and when I came back , I had doubts about some strange things which I discovered in this girl as her clothes were very clean and elegant and her eyes are like cat’s eyes and her way of speaking and her suspicious and frightening looks, then I gave her my water skin and I requested her to wait me for little minutes as I had forgotten something important at my house, I entered my house and closed the door tightly and I fled to my room and closed down well too, then she Um-Duwais felt that I have discovered her and that I ran away, then she stayed knocking the door and crying at me to get out but I was committed to the silence.
Then she threatened me to tear the water skin but I proceeded with silence, and soon I heard the sound of tearing the water skin, can you imagine that?! , Tearing bottle of thick skin, but she is strong and powerful as she can do anything, and thank God that I still tell my story and I’m alive and in the best case.

Tale no.2
At the end of the seventies, It was one of the people who said: “I and my companion were on our way from “Sharjah” to “Batna” in Sultanate of Oman, and we were boarding a Land Rover car then we lost the road and we did not know in which direction we should go as the sky was cloudy and there is nothing in it that we could be guided by, even no star or moon light, Suddenly we saw headlights of a car back “red lights” which was lighting in the distance then we followed it and hope renewed, but we found that the distance between us and the car does not change, as we do not approach it at all, but we proceed hope that we may reach, and suddenly the car which we pursue is stopped and we have been approaching it slowly, then the hope renewed and we rejoiced again, till we were in near to access to the mentioned , and what a horror Surprise!, we got to the place of the lights and saw two women marching and dress some sort of illuminated clothes. from the back like a red lamp of a car, then we have been shocked by the severity of fear, and we got frightened as we never feel like that before, So we tried to pass through them quickly and I tried to look at their faces, but my friend pulled me violently screaming at me “You crazy! Do not look at her face, she is Um-Duwais”. then we fled from the scene, but it is strange that she did not catch us, and when we got to the first resting place in the way of (Albatna), we told some people there about what we have seen, then we have been told that we should have gone through of a haunted path “place haunted by the jinns” , so we thanked God, and the attendants wished us safety.

Tale no.3
Someone was traveling between 2 towns riding a donkey, coming from )Khor Fakkan) to (Kalba), and on his road towards the mountain which is located at the entrance to “Khor Fakkan” he saw a beautiful girl walking gently beside him, then she raised her face and nodded for him to follow her, as he says: “I began to follow her, but I awakened from my unawareness quickly and I said to myself who is she? and how she came to this desolate and far place which has no person in it? , then I realized that she was Um-Duwais, Afterwards I looked away, and I seek refuge with God from the accursed Satan and started to read the enchanter spells Mu’Aawazat (several protective Souras) and other verses of Holy Quran which I keep by heart then she disappeared”.

Fact or fiction ?!
People of the UAE discussing the existence reason of Um-Duwais saying: “She is the panacea and successful protection anti-vice and obscenity and she is the deterrent and the defense against the deviation and counter-ions from epidemics and against abhorrent moral calamities, as the surrendered to glamour and vices is surrendered to Um-Duwais and who is surrendered to her is surrendered to death, although the majority of people of the UAE acknowledge and believe in the fact of the existence of Um-Duwais, there are some older people who are known for their religiosity doubt about that and saying that it is just created superstitions to deter young people from vice, and there is a mother tells about Um-Duwais saying: “My father was calling the name of Um-Duwais on one of our female neighbors because she was using too much perfumes and if she passed through , she was known of her fragrance, and when she was passing in front of our house , we were able to smell her fragrance then my father was shouting from inside the house with a loud voice to make her hearing him “says”: “Um-Duwais,…Um-Duwais” and when I ask him why you brand her with this name, he said: “Her over-usage of perfumes is that which Um-Duwais doing and there is no God-feared Muslim woman can do that , as she is deviating men with this act, and she is sinner for that act ! “.

TV film
Sharjah Satellite TV channel (Sharjah is the 3rd biggest city in UAE) presented a short TV film (45 minutes) during the month of Ramadan, under the title “The return of Um-Duwais” which is written bySaleh Al Marzouqi and directed by Jommaa Al Sahli , this film hilights on Um-Duwais myth, As you can see some footages of that film on Female Students of Emirates forum.

The Man In Black Tries To Get You

This story was sent to me by Vanessa,By respecting the author I do not permit anyone to copy,without authorization,hope you can understand.


I was about 13 when it all happened, it was Friday I don’t necessarily recall the date but it was in the summer. I had invited my cousin on my moms side over, since we were going to my uncles. She was like my sister at the time no one could pull us apart. When we arrived at my uncles, he told my parents and us what rooms we were going to be sleeping in.

My cousin and I usually got the bedroom beside the bathroom but that time my uncle put us in the room beside our normal room. I always dreaded that room and was so happy when we didn’t have to sleep in there, it was a dark color red. I hate red on walls I always have, it makes me feel angry and frustrated, but I sucked it up and went upstairs and put my stuff in the room. It was all crowded with boxes of stuff that my aunt would sell at her craft shows. The worst part was there was a huge mirror in front of where I was going to sleep, I hate mirrors in my room or any room that I sleep in its a phobia for me, I cant even have the bathroom door open when I go to bed or I will not sleep. Then in front of the mirror were those ceramic dolls, I’ve always thought they were pretty but always nice to be kept away and not staring at you when you sleep.

Anyways that night my cousin and I did what we always did before bed and well talked for hours until my cousin fell asleep on me, that was normal for her. I was slowly getting sleepy but having a hard time, because there was so much stuff in there that it would make anyone claustrophobic , and that mirror facing me. Everything was just driving me crazy so I just layed there and stared at the ceiling. Finally I fell asleep.

In my dream I was running not looking back, I was so scared too but I didn’t understand why, so I got the courage to look back. There was this tall old man, he was all dressed in black, with a long black cloak on, and a black hat that looked like a cowboy hat but it was bigger around the sides. He smirked at me, as if he was enjoying me being scared, he was only walking having courage that no matter how fast I ran he would catch up. I kept running and running, until I saw a house with the door open, there was an old lady standing there waving me in. I looked back and that man wasn’t there anymore so I ran inside and the lady shut the door fast, she told me to hide, I needed to hide fast but I told her why, she told me he couldn’t find me. Then she brought me into her room and told me to hide under her bed. All I focused on was getting under the bed, but when I turned my head I saw a huge window with the blinds open, revealing the center of the window. The old lady gasped and I wasn’t sure what was happening until I saw his face in the window, she said its too late he knows where you are.

I woke up and gasped I was so scared I didn’t wanna go back to sleep, but then I saw the closet door open and he was standing there, the room was so small that there was no way I could get out without being beside him, he kept smirking, like telling me he got me, I knew if he was going to come get me, that was going to be the last night of my life, I don’t know why, even to this day but I just knew, but when I turned the light on he was gone.

Sent in by Vanessa, Copyright 2012 BLBH Blog WordPress


3 AM

As I sit twitching due to all I’ve seen, I look up and saw what caused it………

I woke up gasping for air. I just had a dream but I can’t remember what it was. I shake off the disturbed feeling I had and I look at my clock, it’s 3 am. I’ve never been afraid of the dark but tonight something wasn’t right. I felt someone was watching me.

I live in a two story house with many
mirrors. My dad set them up so that if you stand in certain spots, you can’t be seen but you can view the entire room.

I have an acute sense of hearing. For example, I can hear my cat jump off the couch in the living room while I’m in my room on the second floor. I always have a sort of “spidy sense” when things aren’t right.

I had that feeling now. The phone started ringing. I mindlessly got up to answer it. As I picked it up all I heard was a breathing at the same rhythm as mine. I hung up. All the lights were off. I could’ve sworn I left the living room light on. I go downstairs to turn on the light.

The back door was wide open and now so are my eyes. I jump over the furniture to avoid the usual path and shut it quickly. I thought, “This won’t make much difference at this point…” I guess it was reflex.

It was pitch black so I let my ears adjust after hearing my heart in them. I touch the walls to guide myself to the kitchen. I grab the biggest knife out of the sink and get ready to attack. The water seemed thicker. I try to control the sense, the fear I
have. I then hear a steady *drip drip* coming from the sink. I reach up to turn off the faucet to find it was already completely off. I grope for a light switch and flip it on. I hold my terror as I saw what caused the dripping.

My cat was strung up by a noose above the sink, cut in a straight line from the neck down. The blood had filled the sink and the steady *drip drip* was the blood dripping from the tail. My hand and the knife were covered in blood.

There was something written on the counter in my cats blood, ” See with your ears, not with your eyes. Or you are in for a real surprise”. Just then the power went out. As my eyes adjusted I strained my ears for any sound.

A loud BOOM came from the back door and I jumped and hit the fridge. The boom kept happening but grew quieter and quieter until it was practically
unnoticeable. I felt along the wall for the closet door, I opened it and grabbed my baseball bat. I walked with it in front of me to the back door.

As I opened it I couldn’t help but scream a little. My dad was hanging with an internet cable tied around his neck. It was connected somewhere in his room and he was outside the window. As he spun I saw another note. It was nailed into his heart.

It read, “One in this house down, two to go. You are last so enjoy the show”. I then heard an evil, high
pitched, down right disturbing, laugh. It came from all directions.

I again strained my ears and heard foot steps from the top floor stepping
quickly but covering little ground, like a loud taunting tiptoe.

I ignored it and went to check the circuit box. When I opened it there was a note “The lights are off for a reason turn them on if you please.
But I promise the sights will bring
you to your knees.”

I ripped off the note and flipped the switch. The same voice that laughed yelled, “I warned you!” In a childish way. I walked back in through the back door and immediately turned on the light.

I fell down to my knees. Ten people I didn’t even know were strung up in different ways all around the room. Some by their necks, others by their toes, a few even by their hair. All had their eyes dug out and open gaping mouths. All were hanging about a foot above my height.

I was crying but I got back up. I was determined to destroy this madman. As I walked to the stairs, staring at all the bodies, I heard a sound like something was dropped down the stairs.

It was a blood covered arm. I heard the sound again, this time a leg. Then an arm, then a leg, and finally a head. It was my Mom’s. I backed into one of the
corners and looked at the mirrors. All the mirrors were blocked by bodies and all of them turned to stare at me.

I broke down and started crying and twitching. As I sit twitching due to all I’ve seen I look up and saw what caused it. I looked up at the only viewable mirror and saw the man, the beast that caused this. It was me.

My dream rushed back to me. I was a serial murderer on the loose. I murdered house by house. I killed each living thing in each house as brutally as I could, taunting them before I killed them. I was attacking my next victim when I woke up.

In the mirror I saw myself covered in blood standing with a wicked smile on
my face. Then in my own crazed tone of voice I said, “Told you, you were last,” and then I slit my own throat, smiling and twitching as all color left my body.

The outsides of my vision began to darken as I heard a demonic voice say, “Welcome home!”