Soul Searching

Soul Searching

Through the depths

Look inside your soul
For that last bit of sanity
You can be sure that it won’t cause a calamity
If things were to arise
That would bring shock to your eyes
Would it make you cry?
Or would it just make you wonder
Why you don’t understand
The rules of the land
To play in this band
No matter
What is, is
That is the jist of this biz
So, what I say to thee is this
Learn and grow as much as you can
Stand with the band and do what you can
While in this land
Then, you shall progress
On to bigger and bigger success.

 If you’re searching for your soul…
Then you’re in the right place
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Unrequited love is bad for your heart

During an average lifetime, the human heart will beat a maximum of 2.5 billion times, says UW-Madison cardiovascular physiologist Richard Moss. Does that mean that falling in love — an activity that increases the rate at which the heart beats — could shorten your life?

Only if it’s unrequited, jokes Moss during his annual Valentine’s Day lecture to first-year medical students.

“When people fall in love,” he explains, “their heart rate increases. Sometimes their hearts even skip a beat.” Even then the math suggests that the heart in love would tick faster, using up its lifetime of beats more quickly.

But, as Moss points out, the symptoms of falling in love are different than those of actually being in love.

“Being in love has a calming effect. After people fall in love and are in love, their resting heart rates tend to be much lower,” he says. Plus, studies show that couples involved in lasting, loving relationships live longer than those who aren’t.

As for heart health, Moss says, “it’s much better to fall in love and stay in love than to never fall in love at all.” But, he does mention that the most dangerous type of love is unrequited: “These people keep falling in love but don’t experience the long-term benefits of being in love.”

For evidence about love’s benefits, Moss turns to animals that seem especially well designed for amour (for the purpose of procreation). The oyster toadfish, for example, has a sonic muscle that vibrates nearly 200 times per second. This rapid vibration, Moss says, produces an alluring song that attracts mates.

Unlike the oyster toadfish, which spends its life on the ocean floor and has the time to attract a mate, many people are too busy for heart-racing romance. For these people, Moss recommends chocolate — a treat, he says, that can produce some of the same symptoms as falling for someone. Every year during the lecture, he offers chocolate hearts to his students, many of whom admit they have time only to study.

Although Moss says the annual lecture is primarily meant to be fun and alleviate his students’ stress at mid-term, he does say that it conveys important physiological lessons about “the salubrious effects of falling in love and the many animals that make love part of their lives.”

Moss, being the “hearty” guy he is, says, “Valentine’s Day is a high holiday. It’s the best day of my year!”

I Wasn’t Raised In A Mansion

Mom…Dad,these word’s were uttered by you,me and so on everyone,when we were born,believe me,they taught us to learn,live,laugh,they are are guardian’s,our leader’s and everything to us,better to say,in Hindu tradition,our first Gods

3 lovely poem’s that I am posting are as follow’s,

I Wasn’t Raised In A Mansion

I wasn’t raised in a mansion
Or fed with a silver spoon
I wasn’t brought up to think money is everything
Because only fools believe that’s true
I wasn’t raised to live out my parents dream
But to proudly dream my own
I wasn’t raised to walk the popular path
But to strongly pave my own
I wasn’t raised with material things
But something great indeed
I was raised with love
And love is all I need

To My Child

Come back into the fold
of my protective wings.
Let not your spirit be restless,
For you are here with me.
I will always be
your one on which to lean,
your rock, your number one fan.
Fear not child
to speak your mind.
Undo the wrongs of the day,
And together we’ll make them right.
Speak of heartaches,
so that they may be subdued.
Share your joys,
so that they may be my joys too.
Always know that I am with you,
For you are my precious gift
from God.
I will always love you,
And keep you safe from life’s hardships.
I will cushion your bumps,
And tend to your scrapes.
I will guide you tenderly;
Your brilliant eyes
will always be my sun;
Share with me your heart,
And I with you.
I love you.

A Parents Heart

When you feel like breaking down or crashing in,
Who do you turn to, to forgive your sin?
When you cried your lonely tears,
Who will be there to fight your fears?
And when it feels like no one would understand,
Who was there to hold your hand?

There are people whom you can’t replace,
They’re the ones who gave you your face.
They’ll love you through thick and thin,
They show you the light from deep within.
And if by chance, you happen to die,
They’ll be the ones who will really cry.

You see, my friend, there’s no one who can love you more,
Then your very own parents, that’s for sure.
Always remember that this is true,
That wherever you go, your parents will be there for you.

We All love our parent’s,Please if so goes to you,share your poem’s and stories or salutatory  to your parent’s through comment.
Have a best day.